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Non-Profit & Associations

Managing a Non-profit

Accountnet works with nonprofit organizations and associations to develop and implement effective financial and budgeting systems. As we do for all our clients, we define organizational needs and recommend solutions to our nonprofit customers. Our goal is to create a positive awareness of each organization’s technology infrastructure with regard to the audit process and to Microsoft as a whole.

Because every nonprofit is unique, we work with each one individually to develop daily procedures and strategies that are matched to a growth plan tailored to fit each group. This results in better decision making in the current year and for many years to come, thanks to better tracking of all revenue streams and costs.

Governments rely heavily on nonprofits to deliver a range of critical services for the public, from homeless shelters to child care to job training, but the size, scale, and effectiveness of these relationships are unknown. Accountnet has experience with the scope of government contracts and grants with human service nonprofits in the United States, and we provide organizations with essential reporting and budgeting capabilities. Though donations and fees are crucial to human service nonprofits, many rely heavily on revenue from government contracts and grants to expand their reach.

Managing a nonprofit requires complex business, financial, and reporting practices. In addition to meeting project, financial, and membership goals, nonprofits must manage the people and supporting systems that ensure detailed reporting and compliance with special government regulations. Plus, demonstrating the efficient use of donated and allocated resources is essential to future funding.

Our certified ISV partners create Microsoft Dynamics products and integrating applications to help you control finances better and to provide stakeholders access to timely reports. In addition, you can empower employees and streamline the process by using self-service applications for procurement, time management, and expense reporting. This means you can focus more on providing maximum value to your beneficiaries and less on time-consuming internal tasks.